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felix has some reason to use Banana ar ma !!!!
I think i would open Marry Planning Private Limited...
ok leny !!! support !!! add oil add oil !!

回復 #885 bourget 的帖子

hoho。。gd wor..let me think first la..maybe i will use bask the names...财神回来咯。。。
I think it's not that hard to earn your first 300M if you spend more time here lor !!!!
u know in chinese eat banana ar ma???? say u.eat banana la.....if u don;t un ask ukfrance la.:onion14:  he will explain to you.

回復 #890 bourget 的帖子

why so hurry to open one lei......... i have to wait for bourget open one first, if she called dinsney i called ocean park haha

but i think simliar to woofy better.
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-5 10:39 AM 發表
u know in chinese eat banana ar ma???? say u.eat banana la.....if u don;t un ask ukfrance la.:onion14:  he will explain to you.
what does it really mean anyway?
I don't really know haha
hello woofy !!

eat banana has other meaning ma ???
I think it means eat shit ..........am I wrong ??
cuz banana looks like it !!!
原帖由 bourget 於 2007-12-5 11:10 AM 發表
hello woofy !!

eat banana has other meaning ma ???
I think it means eat shit ..........am I wrong ??
cuz banana looks like it !!!
I don't think it's that simple?!
I think it has a dirty meaning to it haha
felix is bad then !!!!! :onion03:
I'll be back later!
Hi gals....
How are you?

回復 #899 yuka13 的帖子

U looking for me?