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回復 #870 bourget 的帖子

u sure that woofy will not be anrgy or unhappy meh.....我愛woofy 有限公司
or i can make it like...victoria secret..........so that will be called woofy sercret company

回復 #870 bourget 的帖子

which name are felix using wor???

回復 #873 yang5301 的帖子

我愛woofy 有限公司
haha !!  
use whatever you like lor !!!
hey !! did you all go to my post 恭喜 leny ????

I forgot myself too !!!!
let me go there and say something sin !!!!!!

回復 #876 bourget 的帖子

恭喜 leny what ? have babay homself? first man in da world have baby haha
Hi guys and gals...
原帖由 bourget 於 2007-12-5 09:16 AM 發表
hey !! did you all go to my post 恭喜 leny ????

I forgot myself too !!!!
let me go there and say something sin !!!!!!
Again ar??:019:
haha !!!

回復 #881 bourget 的帖子

i shut up hehe    minus points.hehe

回復 #882 felixng2007 的帖子

no la !! no la !!!!! no la !!!!

use Banana Company nothing wrong with it !!
you should be ok felix !!

回復 #883 bourget 的帖子

support felix..than i open watermelon(我的美人) company
why not use 財神到 ﹖﹖﹖