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原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-4 08:06 AM 發表
me and boy12 has got contact ...........i am not rich may be i only have one dolalr more than him haha.............
business contact?
so many rich people on here.

回復 #766 woofy 的帖子

not business contact just normal contact, i got phone can ring overseas free from my mobile unmited call as well. that is why sometimes i call him.........especially during stock market period.
can can try try ga haha
The new flash games here are hard to play!
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-4 08:11 AM 發表
not business contact just normal contact, i got phone can ring overseas free from my mobile unmited call as well. that is why sometimes i call him.........especially during stock market period.
can ca ...
wow free oversea unlimited calls from mobile phone??
I think it would be very expensive here for mobile phone.
do you mean real stock market or the one here?

回復 #769 woofy 的帖子

real or not real la.........no pproblem wor........about 15 pounds a month extar on top of the mobile line renatl.....about 30 dolalrs extra la.....good thing is unlimited everwhere wor........

回復 #768 woofy 的帖子

ask weather devel help ma ok wor..... then u can win again easy hahah
where u live must be boring becasue it is away from town ar ma, same as bourget........ move to bigger town la.....can sing k all that as well wor, and no cooking. haha no need to eat more noodles.
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-4 08:16 AM 發表
ask weather devel help ma ok wor..... then u can win again easy hahah
No way.... I don't want to play stock market crazy like before!!
怕怕囉! 唔好攪我! 咁辛苦!
Anyway, geese is still banned here without an answer!!
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-4 08:19 AM 發表
where u live must be boring becasue it is away from town ar ma, same as bourget........ move to bigger town la.....can sing k all that as well wor, and no cooking. haha no need to eat more noodles.:on ...
I live in new york city but i still think it's boring.
I don't go to sing K.

回復 #773 woofy 的帖子

i know he has been banned, i don;t really know why ...........he is ban for speaking......sometimes he still come here for a while but cannot speak......
i thik stock market is crazy haha.....use many times there only get back dd.....
we better find online games that can have quick games haha

回復 #774 woofy 的帖子

sing k is an example..........haha u in new york city haha......u can go on our yellow cab for free haha
I'll be back later felix!!

回復 #777 woofy 的帖子

haha another runner woofy
勇士(+7.5)  vs 魔术 2007-12-04  11:30:00 勇士勝 (-) 200000 魔术 讓 7.5 球  不能修改

勇士at home, the real spead should be 勇士(-3)!!!hurry up and bet

[ 本帖最後由 l77o5twa17t3d 於 2007-12-4 10:32 AM 編輯 ]
woofy woofy over over !!! :onion18: