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本帖最後由 suweihor 於 2009-7-8 08:20 AM 編輯 ) `- J/ \& n/ ]% |  e0 L0 o

. S+ C, S' K) V1 ?' X; j0 n0 ^) C
reply #2 master on trial. in Ipoh or Malaysia any city,if u want to find any famous eating /dining shop,u better go by taxis,the drivers there know all about them.one safety tips,don't go out of the c ...
/ m) ]' w, {: [8 @orchids 發表於 2009-7-7 05:32 PM
' i% s! P% E! q4 c' {' {* o" ?) \公仔箱論壇Is it? I seldom take taxi. But seldom heard that too. But just be aware on that. z6 q( F+ t( l- o4 H
By the way, those famous food stalls is not tough to look for. U just have to ask local ppl there.- w# O) j- ^7 Q2 F* a! O3 a

: G  `( J" M, [TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。BTW, Iyanbebe, u r from Ipoh??
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