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wow~~pretty grl wor
hi!tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% o# i: y4 D7 X5 Q& @* x& y( _5 n1 E
you are pretty!
0 i+ J4 v8 D+ Y! J/ n6 hTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。where do you come from?
原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-2-24 02:27 AM 發表 currently a student and working (internship)I am an immigrant...been here for almost 9 years lu
% p+ ~. Z3 r, i4 q/ H" U
pretty much the same for me, gonna b my 8th year this summer.. so where r u originally frm?
原帖由 deyi_mizu 於 2009-2-24 03:19 AM 發表 wow~~pretty grl wor
% _2 h: }% L$ |9 p( U^^ thank you! nice to meet u here! 
原帖由 jackjack200105 於 2009-2-24 12:07 PM 發表 hi!you are pretty!where do you come from?
1 |1 c' c1 L" |4 ?( j/ HTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 i was born in hk, now living in uk. wt abt u? ^^
原帖由 yuriki_hanazawa 於 2009-2-25 02:28 AM 發表
" o# `( |( q" {  LTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& J3 v9 J5 s. c! g9 s
pretty much the same for me, gonna b my 8th year this summer.. so where r u originally frm?
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb  _8 \- a3 J, R

/ i6 H% s0 x8 h' Z- v5 D* T公仔箱論壇from 台山...heard of it??


原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-2-25 03:22 AM 發表 from 台山...heard of it??
* g, w* E! b; l' r5 \tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbhmm... is it china or in taiwan? = =" sorry abt my poor geography...

回應 yuriki_hanazawa 第 29 篇文章

Hi, me not study but working in UK.
- g* q9 P1 H) f: q0 h$ H& o$ V$ P公仔箱論壇hey, I think if u can type in chinese,
' B# ^3 Z" U& q$ b公仔箱論壇then sure got alot of ppl reply to u coz u know / P9 T2 ]# f2 X5 t
most of ppl here used to type chinese, right?
Decent looking cute girl.  Nice to meet you here!
very cute ar
8 y' s2 g) s" Xi have add you to my fb la
原帖由 wai4080 於 2009-2-27 11:35 PM 發表 Hi, me not study but working in UK.hey, I think if u can type in chinese,then sure got alot of ppl reply to u coz u know most of ppl here used to type chinese, right?
9 e8 H$ O# ^, }3 G: L/ Y9 x, nyea i no... thats y i hv started learning to type chinese now... = v =
2 h4 f: {. }- E) oTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。where abt in uk are u workin in then??? ^^
原帖由 godspeed2 於 2009-2-28 10:54 PM 發表 Decent looking cute girl.  Nice to meet you here!
/ d+ t& c% ^, \. ~! W( M7 N
thank you! nice to meet u too! ^^
原帖由 azn_mafia88 於 2009-3-1 12:02 AM 發表 very cute ari have add you to my fb la
4 x! c' R  {5 M4 X5 Q0 t& m( H- Y8 Xhihi ^^ which one is u tho? @_@ i hv quite a few adds recently.... ><"

回應 yuriki_hanazawa 第 34 篇文章

pretty girl