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[跟進中] 功勳

Please tell me how to use use 功勳 for promotion.
1功勳>所需TVB: 1000 元        7 ~! t! w8 ?& K3 R

# g9 Y  J: a0 J( Z+ k公仔箱論壇1000元 兌換 1功勳
Please tell me how to use use 功勳 for promotion. W2 O( F7 W' h$ i! i- {& Z
thomaswcc 發表於 2021-1-25 08:35 AM
2 a4 t8 z! s" W4 y( fI'm sorry I don't understand your question. For what promotion?
你由3000功勳升初級武將,要約5000功勳# a; \0 P7 P  W  h- E
3 U2 q; s$ a# E/ g. t$ ^: C( X公仔箱論壇http://www2.tvboxnow.com/memcp.php?action=credits