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i used to try to find such these materials about crime done by japan from the internet, thx for sharing.
, x% T: f1 F6 u( m& a
2 h) v4 M! Z* |when i finished watching, i dont know what i should say, i felt very sorrow, although it was the history, and i still fell angry about the not human being done by japanese,0 I( |% w! Y/ N) R- m" D
  X' A8 R) A5 y
9 e) H/ h" L6 E( ^; h8 l$ o8 R* v

4 t( Q3 Z( y/ F( V# J" eshit country
我看後覺得好恐怖, 日本人真係孌態 佢地D悪行 實在太可恥了!!
/ ?  E) u! S! Y0 [$ g7 L3 k/ xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb簡直唔係人, 係禽獸, 係魔鬼....tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ k9 c, d4 K6 ^" D' M. |) G
我see完之後我feel好唔好......都唔明d 日本仔咁crazy ka..) S# ]9 C- e+ G# G9 t
唉,,,以前d中國人真慘..希望以後都不要再出現這慘不忍睹的情形就好啦...thanks foe shareX(

回復第 1 帖由 o獎門人o 所發的帖子

I can't finish it..want to vomit
cant finish the whole clip..... altho it's only 9sth mins...... but each of the experiments they took was realy disgusting....... how could they do that!?>< they ppl who thought up of those ideas r crazy...... they really sacrificed other ppl for their successfulness........... i feel so sick now.....
一路睇就一路想爆粗! B1 R7 |; W7 M! U" W

  R- I* B1 c  u( ~$ J- d公仔箱論壇日本人仲要当住细路面前做,目的系教育。E种教育支承系可耻!好无人道。居然将自己嘅同类甘样迫害。无人性············
Why did they do it.
3 ~' }7 ?6 \; {: c1 X: Q' D1 M* ztvb now,tvbnow,bttvbI couldn't finish watching it, it's really horrible.9 ~( L6 i3 x$ M% f4 u( n9 K
I just don't understand how they can to it, it's just wrong!!
7 {! J$ L$ s1 Q* E. [: jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb到宜家佢地都未肯公開認錯,真係可恥