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比较活泼 对不 哈哈哈 >公仔箱論壇9 M( p, \- I2 v! d- x2 U
ying0829 發表於 2013-11-16 11:07 PM
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ P3 p2 z. m. s. H: A0 ^
why not?
thank you
If you want to be cute, this is a great length.5 r4 [( S8 s* n- P
If you want to be elegant, then go for long hair.
: @) @2 i% I6 c! J' _8 {TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。+ \" Y$ k) ?4 ]8 O
That said, this length really suits you!# H" S* ?1 A7 i( H$ o. D
Very cute and pretty.
, e) `1 R5 Y4 ]: ?5 S: a* Z7 Q人漂亮怎麼弄都棒
: A+ V1 Z2 }/ m短髮已十分可愛了
If you want to be cute, this is a great length.
: }, m: e  W3 A2 }5 B5.39.217.76If you want to be elegant, then go for long hair.
1 s, y1 \- m, o; V7 t& l5.39.217.76
: Y7 X& ]* c& t  Q) L0 C公仔箱論壇That said, this length really suits you!公仔箱論壇$ S* U; _/ ^3 ]
Very cute and pretty.
- i6 O4 d' j6 omiscemayl 發表於 2013-12-8 08:00 PM
" p/ @& G3 [; }/ I  _* j6 ]
omg , thank you for your suggestion !! m$ K& L; _. B* @
i will try to keep my hair long until my shoulder maybe ??
& A) W$ A" k: [$ C% T* }7 n& \$ E短髮已十分可愛了
) H$ \# p: R0 s4 t; q! a公仔箱論壇k23bb 發表於 2013-12-21 06:50 AM
4 c" @/ S: @  o9 W( C8 Y5.39.217.76
: M4 o7 y. y2 L% z, qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb哈哈哈,只是这张照片而已喔~~XD4 s% _# h- n- \3 ^4 |
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