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回復 #117 bourget 的帖子

i only watch beautiful things ga jar...infact first time i say anyone whom i feels beautiful......haha

回復 #118 bourget 的帖子

haha bourget burst u la woffy, i was right u cook noodles always ga la hahahahahahah

so now what would u like to eat?

回復 #125 woofy 的帖子

easy stuff wor.........give me somthign more difficult la...

回復 #129 Geai 的帖子

shark fins soups and bird nest i ahve got a lot.....cos morning i have bird nests.

回復 #132 bourget 的帖子

now much better la???

回復 #135 woofy 的帖子

no ar cos my sister have them, she said better skin wor...so i steal eat lor hahahahaha

回復 #140 woofy 的帖子

i remember now i can cook u some cat food for return...haha

回復 #145 woofy 的帖子

but woofy try to cook felix dog food:onion03:
so i give u cat food back.

回復 #152 woofy 的帖子

no wor that is special for you only!!!!! not for other people..please enjoy it. :014:

回復 #151 ljw1982 的帖子

hey how come u are here lei!!!!

回復 #157 woofy 的帖子

yeah...becasue people may want to see woofy lick lick felix's style cat food.
felix is a wild cat on the street now  anyone brng me home?

回復 #164 yang5301 的帖子

superdog!!!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!!

ljw1982   come to blow more water with us la...then we will play away in ur fourm don;t minus us points ar har

回復 #175 woofy 的帖子

wah........cut my little brother off.....mug lei woofy ham sub ga.

回復 #186 yang5301 的帖子

not super cat ar....is TOURBO CAT