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5). 禁止灌水(例如:cccccccc,xxxxxxxxxx或只打smilies作回帖)

oh my god... I don't even know only typing the "smiles" will be named 灌水
I found those are very cute, that is why I used... anyways...
a bit don't understand... what will ppl get benifit for being 灌水
typing Thank you isn't 灌水
using smiles is 灌水

however, both have to type/click the icon.. still the same effort.

回復 #63 kingjames 的帖子 and more comment...

thanks for supporting me.... however, "Thank You" isn't 灌水... Thank you is alright under TVBNOW ruls.
if u are using those cute icon (similes) is 灌水....

Anyways, I like TVBNOW before, right now they are having too many rules.  Whoever posting the link for others to share shouldn't ASK for reply in order to get the link.  Hope they really understand what "share" means.  If ppl asking "something" in order to "share", that isn't "share"... that is "trading"... we should reply "Thanks for trading" instead of "Thanks for sharing"... hehe
totally agree, what you have posted is worth at least a "Thank You" and even more.

but as I said before, 都係果句, without asking for "posting reply", those who did reply with THANK YOU are the one doing from their heart and are the one you should pay attention to.

Anyhow... THANK YOU.. q(^^)p