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I just fixed my tooth in AU, cost me $4000 AUD.......>.<
美国就係咁     我黎美国7年唔敢睇医生
yeungking 發表於 2011-2-20 01:44 AM
If you live near city with Chinese, then you may want to ask friends for relative and see if there is any Chinese that take cash with much lower price.  I know a Dr. who has an office in Monterey Park and he only charge $50 for visit, then get your medicine from costco, sams club or walmart because they usually has much better price in prescription medicine.  In fact, a lot of Dr. welcome cash client because it's headache to deal with medicare, medical and HMO, can you believe Dr. only get $20 from HMO when you visit him or her? But they have to take it because almost everyone is using insurance, they can't avoid it.  BTW, $20 is not net profit, Dr. liability insurance is huge, equipment, nurse, office rental, etc are extra and out of their pocket.  I'm not a Dr. (I wish i am), but I have some friends are RM and Dr. always complain to them.
Should have bought travel insurance.  Please keep this in mind next time.
medical is very expensive here...it cost me $1600 CAD to remove my wisdom tooth
我朋友有說  在美國看醫生  就像被搶了一次一樣....
CT 4600都算少的。我朋友之前收到的账单9000多。。。。
US health cost is always a topic for political discussion.
我都脫過牙 , 冇您講咁貴 , 只要 US$100 大洋 .
The insurance company is the very reason why the prices are so ridiculous.  When people get the insurance covers all their medical expenses, they won't think twice before visiting a doctor, pushing up the demand beyond the normal circumstances.  While the medical association limits the number of doctors via exams, and the high costs of malpractice insurance, all these factors jack up the prices.  Co-pay came to existence only in the later years, but it's already too late.

So, next time you visit a doctor, pay attention to what they are charging you, even though you have insurance.  Sometimes they put on some funny expenses, knowing that you wouldn't care.  But in the long run, your insurance premium will go up as well.
One piece of cotton used in OT cost 50 cents, one glove cost 5 dollars, one teeth took out, 1500 is ok lah!!!!!!