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it realy got tis toilet paper..sure expensive
how much does it cost?
even though it's lv, it's just toilet paper.
need or not oh??  抆屎onlywor...  富贵人用架??? 榨到~!:019:
RaVeDoGgIe --------------------------------------------------- eIgGoDeVaR
呢個世界真係有 d 本末倒置!!!!

但係你我他屙出嚟果 d 咪又係一 Q 樣
★★★ rEpLy iS tHe dIrEcT wAy tO sHoW yOuR sUpPoRt ★★★
用 LV 廁紙,唔通會抹得乾淨d?   真係唔知呢個乜世界.....
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is it true?...expensive?
thank you for share
:onion14: 很不錯的嘛
coolala :014: :014: :onion03: :onion05:

回復 #1 whyhung 的帖子

so high classs~
哈哈 真给力啊
连LV 衛生紙也有 不知道会不会贵
hahahahaha its quite funny
who will use it=p?
it's so cool !!! where can i get them??? don't have the $$$ to buy lv bags but at lease is able to pay for the toilet paper
oh gosh