16 為甚麼心臟不會生癌?
0 ?: q" U4 x/ Z3 e+ g( f0 A5.39.217.76胃、肝、大腸、睪丸都會生癌,但為甚麼沒聽過有心臟癌呢?原因在於心臟以外的細胞都具有增殖機能,即使受了傷,只要過一段時間就能痊癒,這是因為細胞增殖使傷口癒合,然而心臟的細胞並不會增殖。癌細胞會持續增殖,接著破壞周圍的組織,就是因為心臟細胞不會增殖的關係,所以癌細胞是無法侵襲心臟。
" h$ |% S$ W2 s& O: y5.39.217.76公仔箱論壇9 C+ S9 A! S* ?
in fact, the heart is made of muscle, so it can develop cancer too, normally is the cardiac muscle itself, if it's benign, it's called myxoma; if it's malignant, it's called angisarcoma  |