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thanks a lot
1997_攝氏零度.春光再現-梁朝偉 張國榮 張震 關淑怡
just like finger pointing to the moon but don't concentrate on the finger or else you miss all the heavenly glories!
Thank you for sharing
【攝氏零度.春光再現 / Buenos Aires Zero Degree:The Making of Happy Together】
$ f# Q  B: Z/ v/ _5 G! T, t5.39.217.76
* m! w6 T; X5 h9 W% n' I; j公仔箱論壇                       
2 M; y4 z8 S6 A( t! `* u8 ~& N多謝分享咁多精彩好睇!加油!         
Great ! Thank you so much for sharing ^_^