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回復第 12 帖由 mibird 所發的帖子

:onion14: 几开心喇~大家都太耐无见面喇~所以好开心!
thanks sharing real nice collection of pics.....   :onion14:
Thank you for sharing.....
:onion14: :onion14:
原帖由 lcw1234 於 2007-9-6 09:59 AM 發表
7 ^, g* y% h8 G, a8 Qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbhaha...sure in m'sia lah
& }5 i  ?# R7 i* S公仔箱論壇ur friend all in 3 bangsa...5 Q5 A- c# y$ C' B$ \( O# Y
got chinese,malay n indian....
$ }: G; d; b9 ~/ e: Znot bad bot bad....
! D: z$ v4 A+ y- C

' M: f' M0 {3 E, `/ u7 K+ `dont have malay juz got chinese and indian in that pic only

回復 #1 howgeemun 的帖子
