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[戀愛自白] Wife and I

Hello all,
6 m7 z; T. Y# H) T- j5.39.217.76. }" t8 T9 I: n1 t- d! H
My wife and I have been dated for more than 7 years before we get married, there are some important aspects that I want to share with you to make the bonding between you and your significant half stronger and better: j, C* ~+ k$ F" ^  W

! {! V4 S9 n, z5 h2 J1) Considerate,
9 x) i! M" Q& d( N" N* Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbLet her finish her say Basically, that means DON'T INTERRUPT HER. Firstly, it's rude, and secondly, that just shows you're not paying attention to her. If you've got anything to mention, at least wait until she comes to a pause before you share your side of the story. It's not like she won't stop to breathe or something.
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2) talking and listening to your partner in order to understand their feelings and desires. G4 q3 a: P  y! n# Y# B

8 R  v# Z: g4 t: P' V& rTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Express your empathy Tell her that you understand what she's feeling. Don't tell her that you think it's ridiculous or whatever to feel the way she is. Girls are more emotional and dwell on stuff more.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 @0 y; x! }# ~2 h7 P. t& v( R
& c* H+ m8 @3 [6 T2 k
3) Avoid criticizing and judging a partner<== This is the crucial part, never think yourself is better than any person in this world.  Show your love Demonstrate that you love her despite what she is feeling. Say you still love her and assure her that nothing will change that. Then ask if you can give her a good hug. Girls love cuddles. Your assurance will mean a lot to her.
, s$ x. I! i- k7 l* O5.39.217.76
! i5 x. S, G( a. g! w1 q( [ Rise to the occasion, I know what you're thinking and no, i'm not talking about 'rising' to that kind of occasion. Pull yourself up and be there for her. If it is something you can do, take charge and follow through. Girls like guys who aren't fickle-minded, and especially those who give the feeling that they can be relied on.
# f. F( a8 e/ I3 |3 C! B% _- c公仔箱論壇公仔箱論壇( U& u* M/ t* t
I wish everyone who's single could find someone that you love, and I wish every couples could have a wonderful life together!tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 y: ]6 h. `- ^# V& R% W2 e4 ?
公仔箱論壇- C2 m$ J- R6 C& S