(華盛頓17日綜合電)美國有線新聞網報道,雖然美國經濟世界第一,但按喝酒來排位,美國卻未能入選前十。 i A1 z. n( w) |" \& _# O6 C. U! D
在有關排名中,排在第一位的是英國,中國則是世界第二大愛喝酒的國家,中國人愛喝白酒,醉了就喝醒酒湯。3-10位分别是俄羅斯、法國、厄瓜多爾、摩爾多瓦、韓國、烏幹達、德國和澳洲。0 z% ?6 s! j Q+ i% d7 F
I dont know how they calculate the index. I have been to Russia for many times and many of them are alcoholic, they will drink Vodka before breakfast and they can finish one bottle in an afternoon. But I seldom see any Chinese can finish one bottle for an afternoon.