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[討論] 爵爺: 不再有球員交易

 ,  描述: 聚集讨论owen穿7号
本帖最後由 ice_cap 於 2009-7-13 06:46 AM 編輯

費格遜把C朗的7號球衣交給奧雲﹐ 並宣佈今夏的球員交易已完成﹐ 將不再有新球員加盟。 -ESPN

Sir Alex Ferguson handed Michael Owen Ronaldo's old shirt at Manchester United and then declared Old Trafford closed for transfer business.

是心理戰術嗎? 這中場陣容真的能應付激烈而漫長的英超+歐聯賽季嗎?? 還嫩了一點吧???

面對皇馬及曼城瘋狂的收購行動影響﹐ 球員的身價都水漲船高﹐ 費爵爺暫避其鋒都可以理解﹐ 也可以讓陣中大量的‘明日之星’證明自己﹐ 亦不是壞事。 但作為紅魔球迷﹐ 實在覺得現在的中場中路實在欠缺了一個可靠的指揮官﹐ 把這責任全交在安達臣+卡域克+費查身上﹐ 似乎有些冒險?
owen 穿7号。。。
impossible la
sir alex everytime giv fans a shock!!!!


MUTV:欧文新7号;转会结束                        爵爷说今年转会市场虚高,不会再花出钞票


7. Michael  Owen
Birthdate:14 Dec 1979
Birthplace:Chester, England
Joined United:03 Jul 2009
United Debut:
Owen: Injuries aren't an issue

Michael Owen was unveiled alongside fellow new signings Antonio Valencia and Gabriel Obertan at Carrington on Monday.

United boss Sir Alex Ferguson intimated the former Liverpool and Newcastle striker would wear the no.7 jersey this season and Owen reiterated his delight at signing for the Reds.

"I’m hungry to do well here,” he said. “If this challenge doesn’t put a spring in your step and a smile on your face then nothing will. I still believe I can do well at a top team like Manchester United.”

The 29-year-old was also quick to dismiss any suggestion he was prone to injury.

"If there's one thing that probably angers me a little it's that," he said. "There's no doubt I’ve had injuries in my career, but most people have. You continually read that over the last two years I've been plagued with injuries: it's just not true.

"I think I played 33 games and then 32 games in the last two years. Newcastle weren't in Europe, we didn't have any long cup runs... there are only 38 games in a Premier League season, so playing 33 one year and 32 in the other isn't too bad.

"The two years previous I had a few injuries but it was nothing to do with being injury-prone. If somebody jumps on your foot and you break your metatarsal [you can't do much about that].

"I'm 29 and I've played more than 500 games for club and country, so that says it all. I might pick up an injury here or there but that's the rigours of the modern game. I don't believe I'm injury-prone."

Owen's move to Old Trafford surprised almost everyone, although Sir Alex revealed the wheels had been n motion for some time.

"We mulled it over for a few months," he said. "We knew Michael's contract was expiring at the end of last season. I'd intended to bring another player in and we were waiting on a decision from Carlos Tevez about what he was going to do. But we weren't getting any answers there, which put us in a bit of a quandry.

"We felt we'd waited long enough so we tried to sign Karim Benzema from Lyon.  And Michael knew that was the plan. At 21 years of age, Benzema was a real possibility for us. But as soon as that fell through I contacted Michael."

For Owen, the call couldn't have come at a better time. By his own admission he "didn't set the world alight" at Newcastle last season, although he assured media that reports suggesting he'd only received offers from Hull City and Stoke City were incorrect.

"I'm not going to go into how many or which clubs were talking to me but I can assure you there were a few more clubs than the press would have you believe. There were a few good clubs, but when United came in then all other talks were put on hold and the deal was wrapped up virtually straight away."
不再有交易  超級失望
which mean Owen should be the starter....

Rooney play as AMF with Berba and Owen up front??

Valencia going to be the right winger....left winger will be a fight with Nani and Obertan?

can Owen carry the legend of number 7?  That is going to be a tough test for him....
btw, I think Sir Alex said done for the business is because he doesn't want to pay an inflated value for any players...  In the mean time... I do think our MF is too weak.
so hope for the new season start!!! Owen u are the best!!!

i guess Ferguson purchase the local player is prepare for the EPL rule change
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As united supporter,we trust sir Alex Fergusen..
another Legend NO7