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[亞洲] 阿布扎比"亞斯水上世界"年底開放

' u! f9 @( u# ^  W1 I+ l5.39.217.76
5 n& ?" I  |" g5.39.217.76據《海灣新聞》報道,坐落於阿布扎比亞斯島(Yas Island)上的一個新的水上樂園——亞斯水上世界(Yas Waterworld)將於今年正式開放。該工程所包含的43個娛樂項目目前已經完成91%。將為游客提供以水為主題的過山車、特效激光槍及燈光音效等多元化的水上娛樂體驗。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* s2 c$ ^* W( u+ l
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亞斯水上世界是亞斯島旅游項目規劃之一,該規劃還包括已建成的法拉利主題公園、亞斯購物中心及豪華的濱海酒店。將成為阿聯酋吸引世界各地游客的又一個旅游目的地。5 k/ V  N0 B# Z7 X( U: Y- Y- g5 V+ M F* Z8 \$ Z; U* J- v  X
Is it a mirage? No, it's Abu Dhabi's latest attraction - a water world theme park in the middle of the desert
公仔箱論壇7 i0 o0 Z3 |) Z
By Anna Edwards公仔箱論壇! G& {* f1 u- N8 H) ~

. H& v5 p) w1 E- M/ B4 q' _1 Y! R- Itvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThey already have a Ferrari-themed adventure park and host the annual Abu Dhabi F1 Grand Prix.公仔箱論壇! h/ B" Z8 Z8 F  U3 @# r% a; m2 C
But it would seem leisure bosses on Abu Dhabi's Yas Island are still not content with what they have to offer.1 g. p/ \) |0 s* [
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Now they have constructed a huge water park - which promises to thrill guests with 43 rides.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。* H: n. Q5 I4 B: M( z2 }3 O4 f
And already they are trying to entice visitors with rides that 'have never been experienced before' - so long as they are willing to traipse to Abu Dhabi for them.
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6 k9 i: V7 T4 X& L. r4 }tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。' m: {' o' |0 p. ~! n6 a, s' j
Slip down these slithery slides! Yas Waterworld is about three months from opening on Yas Island in Abu Dhabi August ( ^" \) W+ ^! z2 v8 N/ j9 @

6 x5 n5 L; ]1 p2 a9 v% g! X  Q+ x  E/ C, ^4 m* t$ C
Jaw dropping! The snake rides promise to give visitors a thrill if they visit the theme park - in the middle of the desert* M+ w% k: m: I. C6 ]! q; \: V

* Q: K5 q; @5 g0 D1 WSet to open in late 2012, Yas Waterworld spreads across more than 15 hectares it promises not only water attractions but restaurants, shops and interactive games. V2 [( ?. ]1 A2 H

- K! q7 [) i% [  Z$ e5.39.217.76The park is surely designed to lure people away from the glitzy temptations of Dubai, and visit their emirate instead.
3 u7 f$ A+ o5 ~6 z: G+ L( nVisitors will slide down snake-shaped slides, before emerging through the open jaws of hissing snakes.
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And the planners have obviously decided the bigger the better, as their website boasts when completed the park will be 'one of the leading waterparks in the world.'
' X4 E6 O/ I$ r( ]3 s# q5.39.217.76TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。. _0 J9 n8 c7 o1 u, ~1 B0 E
Visitors will get a chance to try outthe Bandit Bomber and Falcon's Falaj at the huge new attraction, which promises thrill seekers the chance to experience four rides that are unlike anything else.$ U0 R% M* R# N4 D3 \9 k: J
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& W0 E" p' [( i# O, |/ e
Park bosses have promised that some rides will be the first of their kind in the world
4 h* U# _: c$ N- f, L% A% r" @: U
! j  l3 F2 k+ ^0 a' r8 ^ F' v5 s3 X% j
Water world: The park is starting to take shape and is expected to open at the end of the year
8 L- `% ?% z7 a. }0 s
7 L3 c0 P. \# Z9 A5 v8 m1 Ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThey claim to have also created the world's first hydromagnetic-powered tornado.公仔箱論壇! Z+ n+ u+ S. `( U
This is not the first time the UAE have ploughed money into attracting visitors.
' ?% b5 z) c; K3 ^tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# M9 L2 X. x  w9 c3 Y
United Arab Emirates ploughed billions into the 861,000 square foot park on Yas Island and expect 10,000 visitors a day.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb: b% H/ t6 ]; p2 j
Abu Dhabi spent billions to diversify its economy away from oil, developing its industry, real estate, finance and tourism sectors.
1 f& g+ n! i* Q2 [8 z: A5 P' b
0 t3 k1 L& V! s) p; kJust next to Yas off the coast of Abu Dhabi sits Saadiyat Island - a $27billion art and culture project planned to house spin-offs of the Louvre museum in Paris and New York's Guggenheim. m' R2 q7 b% R- X8 ]1 |6 S; @2 e: i# }$ w+ Y
All hands to the deck: Builders are busy creating a huge water world which will sit next to the Ferrari park
6 C. M+ O* Z+ K! I( l- t) mTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
% r6 Z% X" V- ?/ n/ C, i' MTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
1 W2 v; J1 B5 RWhat can it be? The waterpark will look like a watery mirage in its desert home公仔箱論壇! Y1 k- R7 b) w. k: T
公仔箱論壇- m- o: ], H# b0 N' `8 B8 F
Abu Dhabi, which holds the bulk of the oil reserves of the UAE, the third-largest oil exporter in the world, is aiming for a 15 per cent annual increase of tourists with a target of 2.3 million by the end 2012.
$ m$ w/ e5 \, b0 n5 s7 y# \; htvb now,tvbnow,bttvbtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ @& K% J1 A& r4 @6 i
Mubarak al Muhairi, director general of tourism, said at the time that the motor-themed venue would revolutionise how people see Abu Dhabi: 'The Ferrari park is a major leap forward in our leisure proposition as it has enormous appeal regionally and internationally.'TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。$ P6 X+ F& s. F4 X w8 p4 V' h* _& b. Y  W% L


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錢的威力又一次証明 一個荒漠欠水的地方 皆因地下有油 就可变為不可能的任务 俗語說 錢不是万能 但冇錢即萬萬不能


  • aa00

阿布扎比斥資數十億美元 沙漠中建水上樂園

沙漠中出現水上樂園?這不是海市蜃樓,而是阿聯酋阿布扎比將於今年12月開幕的「阿斯水上世界」(Yas Waterworld)主題公園。
& M, Q. g. j% \2 q公仔箱論壇這個建於阿斯島的主題公園造價數以十億美元計,佔地15公頃,當局宣稱這是全球首屈一指的水上樂園,預期每日可吸引10,000遊客。
8 ?9 b8 k1 Q+ i0 ~( `  r% \4 R- u2 t$ a5.39.217.76樂園有甚麼驚險刺激的遊戲?水上滑梯是指定動作,這裏的滑梯呈蛇狀,迂迴曲折,出口更設計成長了尖牙的蛇頭(左下圖)。還有43種水上機動遊戲,給愛好刺激的遊客「得到前所未有的經驗」,讓他們叫個飽。園內更有全球首個水磁力發動的「龍捲風」遊戲。
/ V* M+ ^- v4 G( z& k* x- v- {! P* L1 {TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。除了水上遊戲,樂園內還設有餐廳、商店和互動遊戲,設施應有盡有。阿聯酋近年積極發展旅遊業,兩年前才在阿斯島開設了法拉利主題公園。英國《每日郵報》
  l! Z5 O* t5 C( J( O8 d: E5.39.217.76
2 f+ R$ Q8 O0 U1 | 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。8 h  T6 j) ?8 L, ~. P' c% t9 b% G- H

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