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Tibetan monk as a terrorist group~西藏政府大樓爆炸案9僧被捕

 ,  描述: 西藏僧人成為恐怖集團
(星島) 04月 13日 星期日 11:20AM 西藏僧人成為恐怖集團
: x1 [2 U1 V; U9 p0 Y' i  g! y* W
* Y6 X1 S* X: N! g  I/ x  y1 u公仔箱論壇新華社報道,西藏公安偵破昌都一幢政府辦公樓炸彈爆炸案,拘捕9名僧人。事發在上月23日凌晨,貢覺縣相皮鄉政府辦公樓發生爆炸,當局兩星期後拘捕以27歲藏族男子為首的9名疑犯,他們全部是通夏公仔箱論壇9 F  S5 X# k2 A0 v9 S6 n

8 `, i4 q; L( U) O公仔箱論壇寺的僧人,並承認發動襲擊。調查發現,在寺院一名負責人策劃下,坐電單車前往鄉政府辦公樓,把土製炸彈搬入大樓內,引爆炸彈後逃離現場。新華社並沒報道爆炸造成的傷亡或破壞情況。
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Tibetan monk as a terrorist group
6 _' ^* F' Q( t0 K( W' K5 k公仔箱論壇Xinhua News Agency, the Public Order detected in Tibet Qamdo a government office bomb blast case, the arrest of nine monks. The accident occurred on the morning of 23, Gongjue County of Paper township government office building explosion, the authorities arrested two weeks after the 27-year-old Tibetan man, headed by the nine suspects, all from the Michinatsu5.39.217.769 V, |* v* q2 Z9 w" |& r

( O, E1 R( A2 R# M0 c' s" Ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvbTemple monks, and to recognize attacks. Survey found that one in the temple for planning, ride motorcycles to the township government office buildings, to move into the building homemade bombs, bombs after fleeing the scene. Xinhua News Agency reported the explosion caused no casualties or damage.
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[ 本帖最後由 julianneteng 於 2008-4-13 11:10 PM 編輯 ]