梁齊昕fb稱遭受家暴 離家出走tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb- V$ O' E; s' e4 Q3 Z9 c
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公仔箱論壇) o: ?8 a4 Q) ~7 ~- ^6 Y6 r
梁振英女兒梁齊昕晚突然在Facebook更新近況為Leaving Home Forever(離家出走。她今早在Facebook多次發出帖文,稱遭受家暴,決定離家出走。梁齊昕稱,她被母親推向牆邊掌摑、腳踢,又被辱罵,「我跌倒了,脊椎撞向書桌的檯角…(母親)接著威脅要報警,地毯式搜查我的房間,如同瘋狂的女人一樣尖叫。」tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% }6 K3 h" Y' c. U6 R
梁齊昕在facebook詳述她被母親家暴、辱罵的經過:; N% R: N# E( V1 i/ B
My mother literally just pushed me up against a wall slapped me and called me a 死蠢閪、周街被人吊,同人上床呀嘛,去做雞呀繼續…kicked me- I fell, hit my spine against corner of study table. Lovely. Proceeded to threaten to call the cops on me, carpet-searched my room, screaming like the deranged woman she is. And they say there's always a way out. There isn't. There really isn't.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 e9 T) i* Y; ~
TRUST ME- What you see on the outside- in public- is not what you see behind closed doors. This woman has issues and I have tried to help her- encouraging her to go see a therapist/ psychologist.. Now I just don't bother. From this day onwards, I'm leaving home forever. Never coming back.
2 s! r1 u5 h. e- v(梁齊昕 Facebook) 梁齊昕稱其母人前人後兩個人,「這個女人有問題,我嘗試幫助她,鼓勵她見治療師 / 心理醫生。現時我不會再操心。從這一天起,我會永遠離開家。再也不會回來。」梁齊昕其後發出帖文稱,稱很想記錄下我母親的瘋狂和暴力的事件,向公眾顯示她的真面目,「她真的需要幫助。」梁齊昕又說,如果她並非居於禮賓府,而是居於高樓大廈,她會毫不猶疑跳下去。4 V8 f& n3 W: ]# z- d7 J0 e
I genuinely think if I were on the 20th floor of a building instead of being in 禮賓府 I wouldn've jumped. Straightaway. No single effing doubt. Just jumped. There IS NO way out.$ w% H" W8 G' J8 A, D$ C6 I q9 I- W
(梁齊昕 Facebook)
8 x( i* S( D6 w6 W, A5.39.217.76 梁齊昕稱,如果雙親在這一刻死亡,她絕不會關心,"I honestly wouldn't give a single *粗口* if my parents died right now right this minute”"
5 b2 y' o+ q, J% i: P她又說寧願在坐每天食杯麵,也不要現時生活,已決定離家,日後也不會出席母親的喪禮:公仔箱論壇' R* ~2 C6 ?: ?# ` i# {" t1 ~
I'd rather be living on benefits sleeping on a coach eating cup noodles everyday than living the life I'm living right now. There really is no way out. It's BS when people say there's always a way out. I'm leaving home. I won't even be at my mother's funeral.
7 E" b: R9 p- @公仔箱論壇(梁齊昕 Facebook)
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