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少女從娼 孟加拉老鴇逼吞類固醇

* q( T" e2 S, }& f" z6 R孟加拉妓院老鴇羅克雅(Rokeya)只要簽下新的性工作者,都會讓她們服用催肥牛隻的類固醇藥物。
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4 g, G9 g$ L+ X! F; c5.39.217.76現年50歲的羅克雅說,對年長的性工作者來說,這些藥物對她們有效,但對12歲到14歲的少女,要用注射的才有效果。
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# I( d$ t' I. RTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。羅克亞說:「如果還是個小女孩,這是讓他們變豐腴、隱藏真實年齡的最快方法。」她說,這種叫作歐樂得爽(Oradexon)的藥物很便宜,到處都買的到。
5 ?+ Y+ }  F$ X, n! a7 A$ Y公仔箱論壇tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, q, J+ h5 i1 h
英國慈善機構「行動援助」(ActionAid)指出,孟加拉大約有20萬婦女與少女投入性行業,其中有90%性工作者對歐樂得爽或類似的類固醇藥物上癮。 f5 O$ m9 @0 v# g

( V1 }3 d. F+ Z0 o+ ntvb now,tvbnow,bttvb醫生說,長期服用類固醇會有致命危險,但在達卡(Dhaka)外圍100公里處的這間政府註冊妓院,900名性工作者中,大部分的人每天都會服用類固醇,讓自己的身材變豐滿。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5 d4 k1 |! d  a; O
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本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2010-7-11 09:27 AM 編輯
/ b0 @  a1 z% l8 J8 a. ?; S+ a% c: j9 i; s
This is an example of sex inequality. When these prostitutes had children, the kids would live in the place where their mothers worked. The gender inequality engendered early on due to socio-economic and religious practices that resulted in a huge gap between the position of men and women in the society. This inequality extends into education, employment and health. Besides, the submissive role expected of women is not only limited in the household, it is a social norm as well. Although the Indian government has constitution to ensure gender equality, the result is still left much to desire.


  • 无奈的寂寞
