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为什么<冲上云霄1/2> 都不用真的航空公司/飞机呢

如果大家有看过日本的一部类似冲上云霄的剧集<Good Luck!>,他们用真的航空公司"All Nippon Airways(ANA)",真的飞机,等等,虽然很久了,但是很真,很好看
( y  s1 j& T1 X, g( \8 \, K. M- F/ a公仔箱論壇既然国泰航空/香港航空,都赞助了,飞机都借他们用了,为什么不能用他们公司的身份呢,每次看到剧里的假飞机,真是美中不足
好简单..    因为真实座舱空间唔大..    特别喺冲1个阵嘅波音747..    仲有..   飞机如果借俾你拍戏..    拍一日租金好贵..    唔收你租航空公司又少部飞机赚钱..  一部机闲闲哋都飞百几二百人.. 747载四百几人..    今次330都都载200几三百人..   仲有..  整烂维修费好贵..   冲1个阵都仲有好多用训练用嘅模拟舱..    但喺今次连话入模拟舱都喺TVB嘅布景舱..   唉..' T, K! n- Z9 L4 f: b5 K
个拍摄座舱比之前粗糙..    况且貌似D顾问无跟足..    有D细节都喺错嘅..    例如第一集喺停机坪直接就起飞了..   一般都会喺地面控制(Ground)指挥其到跑道头包括走边条滑行道..然后Call上塔台(Tower)..   Tower批准后先可以起飞..     冲2已经将好多嘢都忽略晒..   忽略到有小小唔专业..
好简单..    因为真实座舱空间唔大..    特别喺冲1个阵嘅波音747..    仲有..   飞机如果借俾你拍戏..    拍一日租金好贵..    唔收你租航空公司又少部飞机赚钱..  一部机闲闲哋都飞百几二百人.. 747载四百几人..    ...
3 e6 p8 h4 ]4 Y) s5 r. V; Z) d+ wmaverick0760 發表於 2013-7-19 10:06 AM
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 R2 A: e1 ~& [/ M% R7 e* f

4 ?/ B) `4 x6 L: ]tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
! z8 {. T( v( }5 O9 g: ^4 ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvb完全赞同你的说法。。
correct, agree ... this season 2 they skipped many flying stuff, focused more on love love thing
+ k" Y- q- O/ Z  ~0 k8 h5.39.217.76
1 S2 q/ i7 {) d0 G3 q1 _1 ]' [& N5.39.217.76normallly request push back and start, then taxi, at holding point take off.. this one the take off clearance ady given while they r still at the bay ... where got so early one, small airport maybe got la, international airport impossible.
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Yes, I have watched the Japanese Series Good Luck plus the Japanese Movie Happy Flight many times. Both of them use a Real AirPlane from a Real AirLine. Very realistic plus the story was excellent. I felt like I was inside those planes most of the time. When I try to watch 冲上云霄 II, I felt CHEAP! One look at the plane, everyone can tell that that is NOT a real plane. Plus the Cockpit was  a JOKE! Even a kid can tell that that is NOT even come close to any type of Cockpit. It is really sad that TVB is getting cheaper and cheaper when making series. I actually enjoy more on watching those older series from both TVB and ATV back in the 70s and 80s. At those times, they used to film them at some realistic places like an actual auto shop, an actual factory, an actual restaurant, an actual airport...etc. An actual place can make the series come to LIVE!
It is diffcult to use a real plane because you will need to start removing seats, and lots of things in order to put a camera, film crew, lighting and sound equipments, etc.
my question is why they don't just continue to use Solar airway.