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64日前 Vs 64日後(只准18歲以上人仕參閱 )

吸煙肺癌病人 - 病情發展
左圖 與右圖只相差64日! (留意右圖病人手上照片)

佢做左化療(博一博), 身體非常虛弱, 但癌細胞仍不受控制, 結果..
唔做化療可能活耐點, 但癌細胞不受控制, 很快都係要死

[ 本帖最後由 zactlion1899 於 2007-11-28 12:02 PM 編輯 ]
wah... thinking wanna quit smoke dy....
anyway...thx for sharing
No Smoking
:onion03: :onion03:
Trying to forget salem....but hard...
no smoking......

it s the slow suicidal
life is so shortly!!
64 days!!! should quit
:onion03: :onion03:
how to quit.....
thx 4 sharing
thx 4 share~~
no smoking !!!