本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2012-2-7 04:59 AM 編輯
+ i- o5 y. B5 H Y2 i
; E0 [# q. w" Y$ h1 B# @陶傑: 骨氣和尊嚴tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, s& b8 k3 Z+ B9 \ A: l
. B o7 o- t1 e2 ~
0 ]! _" ^; D( \ s, i" E5 g龍年全世界最大的懸念,是英美會不會動手打伊朗。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; r; ?/ ~ _; i2 }: o8 A
! P1 _1 ], q+ X7 [+ i7 U0 g: z/ i& X以色列放了話,不必知會美國,一旦確信伊朗可以有核武器,自己先動手。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb: C2 J/ V$ a, G3 X, M2 {4 R- n9 p& x4 \# M
8 o8 R5 D. _3 C% p7 |5 ^- NTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。以色列認為,不必理會國際輿論,更不必什麼聯合國批准,以色列有權利先發制人。奧巴馬競選總統,滿嘴巴 Change,他要壓下以色列,要跟伊朗「理性對話」,但改變不了。
* E9 t* a. x9 D! \% c# z) a6 Y( jTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: z# W4 o. A# R% K. K) c
為什麼?以色列不把奧巴馬放在眼裏,奧巴馬也不太懂得歷史。公仔箱論壇& b- Y! L' s9 D6 u
; P/ R$ d# h0 c3 l$ b1 l
三十年代,歐洲所有國家,不管納不納粹,都厭惡猶太人。希特拉逐步「立法」,把國內的猶太人趕向絕境,猶太人開始搬家,想移民歐洲其他國家,英國先在一九三九年公布白皮書,限定五年收容猶太移民不得超過七萬五千。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。( L2 Y) d+ ]8 }& L( H9 v
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。3 i/ k2 U% u; _# C+ r, b- ]
* Y2 e8 z" W- A3 l' r6 r4 A3 @' C4 s& i* E, q. b* e" J
一九四二年,英美官員在百慕達開會,決定不對猶太人施援,英美袖手旁觀,此一沉默,而且,彼此協議,不可互為指責。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 i0 l2 ?5 p# ]6 {# A1 X
, ~, A5 o$ S2 g0 d& p$ Y1 Ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvb對於屠猶,英美埋沒良心,等同國策了。希特拉很高興。過了一年,英美情報透露,納粹屠殺的猶太人有一百七十萬。這一年,羅斯福和邱吉爾才發表一個口頭警告德國的聲明。
' m5 X6 c2 V8 d5.39.217.76
; j# @+ ]! M- k5.39.217.76但口水花,有個屁用?希特拉加快屠殺,美國有的是土地和資源,羅斯福沒有說過接濟猶太難民。邱吉爾倒想干預,但外相艾登會同戰爭內閣反對。全球猶太僑領主席韋茲曼寫信乞求英國:納粹每天焚化一萬二千猶太人,現在還從匈牙利用火車運人,派飛機轟炸吧,猶太人會在轟炸中誤死傷一些,但至少有機會逃命,進得集中營,人人必死。公仔箱論壇. g$ y$ c% |" z {* q. S- i
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 h8 a+ N( J1 D' `
1 _2 T& ~8 g @9 C7 S- h- ltvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
, Y& b0 M8 u3 @8 M( ]公仔箱論壇戰後,猶太人看清楚所謂「國際公義」是什麼東西:我滅族時,既然全世界都不管我(其實很諷刺地,歐洲沒有向納粹交出猶太人,反而是西班牙、意大利、葡萄牙這三個法西斯政府),那麼以後,我做什麼事,為了保障我的生存,我也不理,滾你媽的國際輿論和全世界了。
0 R4 S- ?' U8 }( W; {tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
7 M6 x; V' K, `( U, e公仔箱論壇慣了做奴隸的人看看,這就叫做骨氣和尊嚴了。 R& i- {" z& d, Y4 T( e l- a2 j+ `: [, R( X' p* a: [
PS: This analysis from 陶傑 is simple and biased. It is very dangerous to base our view on a single point while neglecting the historical complexities. It is dubious that the Allied powers understood the extent and severity of the massacre of Jews (a national machinery to carry it out) and the means they could use to stop it in the heat of war. He also fails to mention the influence the Jews wielding on US politics, the recent example would be Newt Gingrich's election campaign is financed by Sheldon Adelson, a staunch pro-Israel billionaire. If we take the Jewish influence in other sectors like finance, politics, academia and media (radio, TV and film industry) into consideration, we would begin to understand the 'change' in Obama's stance to Israel from the beginning to the current period of his presidency. In this election year, Obama is hijacked, literally. As for the preemptive strike, the US deployed that tactic in her War on Iraq that left no moral ground for US to persuade Israel to do otherwise. Despite his frivolous premise, he may still have a point. Israel keeps using the Holocaust to justify her military actions however illegitimate, anyone dares to raise an opposition would be labelled as an advocate of antisemitism.
! e. ^0 A& y3 T, G% a2 Q* itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb |