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有冇常識噶請問?! 後天性智障系5會遺傳噶!
( ?' b& X2 q5 F- ]都話明後天性啦..公仔箱論壇. I1 A; T4 w/ i5 g4 x) z8 Y: I
後天性噶心智障礙有好多可能性噶... {  u+ j. c" q8 |
$ c8 D" \) }( F1 |1 P* w! j/ B甘系米如果阿媽系因車禍而冇左只腳..甘生個B都會冇左只腳啊??7 z: V1 V0 ~6 @; c
! l& p# X- u( m& e/ t) eTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。生出黎噶BB先會有機會遺傳到,
7 E% k6 N4 y" J* P& R; e  u而導致有機會智障噶!
, y  L2 Z. e0 u& m/ W( [TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。好心家下D編劇自己上網查下先寫啦!!
& f& t2 X) C4 X- O8 r& E& o公仔箱論壇誤導觀眾!!低B!tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 E, x1 B0 u$ }6 ]

. g' `  E. F) w: H, p1 J5 l


  • devil2007

agree, but I still love this film
I was thinking abt this 2...
我聽到嗰陣都傻咗。。 p  o2 |. ]- \0 X
ya... I have been thinking about what she said, too...
1# ErrolStef TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。# R( J) s8 u' {1 s
讚同你的講法, tvb咪當我們是憃人 , 他們真要用下個腦!
not 100% not true
你咁肯定後天性100%唔會遺傳???  醫學既野一定100%準加???8 Y4 E/ ]( U2 Z1 g
公仔箱論壇8 c* h6 c1 s/ ?6 f  `
佢只系話可能會  亦可能唔會
9 d$ {2 Y4 K! A- {% F5.39.217.768 u3 r4 L9 R0 l$ ~
relax, 娛樂啫!!!
Although I am not a doctor, but I did study many biological related courses. 後天性心智障礙 are caused by outside factors, so it shouldn't alter the genetics of a person. And of course, there are always exception in the world. But then it would be impossible for the doctor to know. This scene is just wrong in my opinion. v! K+ y/ `3 n5 C
公仔箱論壇0 X; ], f) ?6 l% H
And someone has also mentioned vision problems and drug addiction before. Vision can be related to genetics, for example, genes that regulate vision receptors. Whereas, in drug addiction, the father taking drug has no effect on the unborn child. Only mother does if she was taking drug during pregnancy. That means the fetus was taking drug in the womb already, thus addicted when born.3 p7 T. ~3 G- r8 _  d. m
! y( m) l) [& F/ {: N- q9 W  \( r
Sorry to type so much. Just want to clear up some misconceptions.
How can a girl with 10-year-old mind to take care of her own kids? She needs care from other people, too.
How can a girl with 10-year-old mind to take care of her own kids? She needs care from other people, too.
4 q' X9 b& O2 C% c* B# s: Ptoyyou2jp 發表於 2011-6-13 06:10 AM
2 \6 l; F5 D, Y公仔箱論壇) u( z5 t/ _. z6 ]6 r9 a2 d+ ^
佢只系智商十歲  唔系成個人都系十歲
- H+ y* [' j: F$ n3 _4 d& U. b# ~ N: E/ B$ \: |* T
只系佢單純  無乜腦  
- U. h: d, f9 C! }+ u" O2 j, U$ ~$ e8 T, o
佢仍然系一個大人  要照顧小朋友一d都唔難
# T* ~. _6 F" q. H: \TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
' I! W& ^4 I/ z9 o
# c2 X( x" w* z6 V. s公仔箱論壇現實都有智障人士結左婚生埋仔女  重照顧到佢地