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Nigerian woman arrives in U.S. with these 180 heroin capsules inside her

Anything to declare, madam? Nigerian woman arrives in U.S. with these 180 heroin capsules inside her
3 G2 F* h/ @6 M, p! v( k  Z5.39.217.76By Daily Mail Reporter
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; F7 }9 i/ s& E; T7 S- j; NTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Customs officials at Dulles International Airport say a Nigerian woman set an unfortunate record when she tried to smuggle almost five pounds of heroin into the country.
& t* {1 u/ {) r公仔箱論壇TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。' A1 X( Y3 Q- q6 j6 G3 z9 c
Authorities say 52-year-old Bola Adebisi ingested 180 thumb-sized pellets filled with heroin.
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Officers became suspicious of her Saturday when she was questioned by border patrol officials after arriving on Ethiopian Airlines flight 500 which originated in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and stopped in Rome, Italy.
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# X  E' x9 m1 X  v Heavy load: Bola Adebisi, 52, was taken to hospital and kept there until she passed these 180 pellets- approximately 5lbs- of heroin naturallyTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。- Q) ?2 v: G3 f+ y) s' q6 G

0 }: L- s% Q$ I9 _3 z公仔箱論壇She said she was coming to the U.S. to visit her brother, but couldn't describe him or say his address.
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/ B  q- y) t9 ]3 K: i* M8 iA routine pat-down following the questioning found her stomach to be abnormally rigid which set off mental warning bells.
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An X-ray revealed the 180 pellets and she was taken to the hospital.
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She stayed overnight in the hospital until doctors confirmed that she had passed all of the pellets. 公仔箱論壇# d+ t" T# E1 t3 m6 Q* i* `

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Hotspot: Last year, the record number of heroin smuggled into Dulles airport, in Virginia near Washington, D.C., was 100 pellets (about 4lbs)
4 P1 M: i: q  j" k7 ^' Y公仔箱論壇
7 e0 ?# D3 Y% t4 V( U2 E! e5.39.217.76In total, the heroin is estimated to be worth $150,000. z4 b5 o% c! f6 ]) i
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。6 {2 }% m0 c8 ?8 X* ~& {
‘The amount of pellets and heroin this woman ingested is incredible, a serious health risk, and very troubling if these numbers become the new normal,’ said Christopher Hess, director of Customs and Border Patrol for Washington, D.C.
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She now faces a felony drug smuggling charge.
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The previous record for an ingested drug seizure at Dulles occurred last year, when another Nigerian was discovered with more than four pounds of pellets.
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8 ~4 l# f# U1 u  _That time, the illegal stunt was done by a 46-year-old man and, for comparison, only involved 100 pellets. tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 ~6 j; E3 y3 p8 g: l. l+ }

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  • aa00

[美洲] 吞180海洛因丸闖關 尼婦美機場被捕

(美國華盛頓22日美聯電)美國弗吉尼亞州杜勒斯飛機場的海關官員,在上週六成功識破一名打算運毒入境美國的尼日利亞婦女。 官員在52歲的尼日利亞婦女阿德比斯身上發現180顆拇指般大小的海洛因丸,市值約15萬美元(約45萬令吉)。這些海洛因丸都被阿德比斯吞食下肚,重量近2.27公斤,毒品都被裝在顆粒丸內。! P/ f" r+ |' Z
$ \0 I5 C7 ~- d  N/ _1 f5.39.217.76 另外一名尼日利亞運毒犯同樣于去年在杜勒斯機場被逮捕,嫌犯當時吞下超過1.81公斤的毒品丸。


  • aa00

對付呢 d 人最好方法係即刻比佢食止痾丸, 然後鎖住佢睇佢點樣毒發.......


  • aa00

對付呢 d 人最好方法係即刻比佢食止痾丸, 然後鎖住佢睇佢點樣毒發......., [# c& }7 ^; O& [
daball 發表於 2012-3-23 08:47 AM
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! T. V6 a2 m% g# lTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 p/ R7 d' q9 k8 @$ w0 [1 d