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 ,  描述: 女友河东狮
我现任女友今年二十二岁,样子还不错,不过脾气和性格就很糟糕。& g- t# a$ P. q
' |# z9 D$ ?$ z/ I9 v# ?; u4 \# [1 |不懂要如何说起,只能说她小气小心眼野蛮不识大体疑心重,还有.....tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 ?6 \7 c9 @2 d$ d2 Q
9 ^! u( J, z; P$ O2 Q1 G0 \8 p* x5.39.217.76在一起时又非常注意我是否有看别的女人: d9 V( M1 C: P1 h
) L' ]; X' t4 y( X- D4 E, U1 [我自问我会分什么是青红皂白。)$ }* z  u% {: d5 F0 R' Q& D$ H! z
' z+ F9 G  @% g& d# o* O( ^6 x公仔箱論壇很多她野蛮后的事情每次我分析和解释给她听后一旦应验,她却很非常的无理取闹,常常要我善后。
) x: }2 D8 H. |0 {: J' n5.39.217.76到现在已经一年了,我对她也不懂还有爱吗?每次很想分手时又很心软,不过我清楚知道我面对她时已经很闷了(并不是我花心,只是很多东西我还没说出而已)& _1 I4 {3 g- x# R' [
:019: :019: :019:
I understand how you feel, but it seems to me that you don't quite understand how girls feel and think.  My ex-gf was doing the same like your gf.  I always thought that she was 小气小心眼野蛮不识大体疑心重, 时常怀疑我去找别的女人.  well, girls thought so because they loved their bfs and didn't want to lose their bfs.  Even the toughest and strongest woman will become soft and dependent to her lover.  They want to share their feelings and thoughts with their lovers.  If they don't care anymore, they don't talk.  My gf is 24 years old and has a Master Degree.  However, she acts like a little girl in front of me all the time.  You feel bored with her because you have been thinking she is not the type of gf you want.  I think you should re-consider.  Her bad sides that you see today could be her good sides.