南極長年冰天雪地,人跡罕至,不少奇怪異象都是世人從未見過,英國廣播公司( BBC)攝製隊,早前首次在南極海底拍攝到“死亡冰柱”( icicle of death),冰柱下沉到海床后,所到之處周遭的海水都會凝結,海膽、海星全被凍死,蔚為奇觀。
其實這種死亡冰柱自 1960年代已開始存在,通常當南極海洋混入了帶鹽份的水后就會出現,不過今次還是首度有人拍攝到這個奇景。拍攝當日,海底水溫只得-2℃, BBC攝影師米勒( Hugh Miller)及安德森( Doug Anderson)在南極羅斯群島( Ross Archipelago)的小剃刀背島( Little Razorback Island)海中,親眼目擊死亡冰柱的形成過程。

Remarkable broadcast moment: The ice begins to expand outwards. The brine is a lot more dense than seawater so sinks to the bottom. It is also a lot colder - causing the freezing

Touchdown: The brinicle reaches the ocean floor. Starfish can be seen. Often the brinicles break up before they become so large

Killer: The ice floods outwards across the ocean surface rapidly, destroying everything in its wake

Destruction: The starfish are frozen by the ice as it expands outwards

Broadcasting feat: Although the existence of brinicles has long been known it is the first time they have ever been caught on camera

Seabed spread: When the seawater freezes as it comes into contact with the brinicle it is a lot more spongelike than normal ice |