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th x th x th x
thanks for sharing................
c c sin~~~ ho chi ho ho watch gum
Thx fOr SHaring aR~3 i$ y; w+ o$ a7 E8 Z
, w# f0 x0 R# M; |不如將呢個post置頂重好拉~

回復第 1 帖由 ac777 所發的帖子

What a GOOD japanese drama, thx!!!
完全是衝著女主角而來的XD  先謝謝大大啦..
i like it so much ,thanks
want to watch..
ずるい  -.-)  返事しなきゃ
Wii Code: 4249 0810 5343 2735
Handle: ゴキブリ

原帖由 Gokiburi 於 2007/5/17 12:31 發表。 9 o$ A; N* M& f8 q$ ]) ^5 s" d* Z
ずるい  -.-)  返事しなきゃ
+ i4 J, x( P. g! H! n/ ^2 ~

1 Q8 [" E7 T: ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
& P; h9 h# p/ B8 Ayou know, most of people just download the torrent and not reply ne.....5 C! H% v, d, S" J' N6 F& r

8 D& @  |8 A$ M6 `' Q
泥 醉 梅 聞 花 , 泥 枝 賞 醉 滴 ; 邀 聞 泥 石 碎 , 泥 濕 達 奔 竹 。
Thanks for sharing