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[疑難求助] 女友個ex話追返佢....他有錢.有屋,,我應放手嗎?

as title
看你怎样想咯,, 你要真的喜欢你女友,, 就不要放手..
4 ~0 e1 J4 |4 i( M# oTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。也要看你女友怎样,, 她要是还喜欢ex的话,, 就放手吧..
我女友有時會講下佢ex.d野..她28 YR OLD lA..宜我事業才剛剛有起步,,
3 N( `* o1 A& ?% B# p: y9 x4 @  ]她常常話和我一齊d時間好慢.....SIGN....
you having the same case with me, i did the mistake i let her go. Not saying you can't let her go for this moment just don't let her go first cause may be she is testing you. Do some verification if the finalize answer is negative then you have no choice just let her go