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Thanks for sharing
thanks for share.
Thanks a lot!
Thank you so much ror the finale !!!
Thanks for sharing
本帖最後由 yureka128 於 2010-3-28 11:16 PM 編輯 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 f% W! F2 Y6 X* }
公仔箱論壇9 s8 c! J' V( |9 c6 D
Thank you very much!!!
1 v. w' X, _* f0 Z6 `, ]% }; O& d3 ?8 f0 g+ b4 s
I've watched the anime and the read the manga, both are VERY funny. So when I heard there is going to be a drama re-make, I was really excited^^. + j1 Y3 W: t1 N* F1 c3 O

# K3 g" u4 V& _7 L: Atvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThank you again for~uploading 6_<
Thanks for sharing!!
thanks for sharing
thank you for sharing
thanks for sharing !!!
I like the main actress, will definitely watch! Thanks for sharing....=)
Thanks for sharing!!
多謝版主, 謝謝版主!!!
看來這部片有不少生面孔5.39.217.76% c5 v# v& T, j6 }' L. x8 @
多謝分享 Thanks a lot