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看了這麼多的相關資料公仔箱論壇, S: c3 x+ ^4 v7 \8 @+ c
, `  t/ ~& p7 q% t9 Z  O) Z好吃又好玩
b4 tis,i also go 2 phuket...
7 F: A, I4 p8 h: R5.39.217.76* `/ _+ m0 V" L# g. }
i also go wf trip aft 1 month....phuket got tsunami....i say i'm lucky...
thx 4 sharing
thank you very much
thx for sharing~~
* G! Y+ P5 C* r- N* V8 cnice
u r the best!! thx for share!!
8 H0 F. M% L; ]! {1 G1 Q% h' @% Y5 \tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbVerrrrrrr...........yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^
who you didnt go phi phi island? you should go for snorkeling..
Thanks for sharing ^^
thanks for share la
thank for sharing i go to NOV 08
Very good ,thank for sharing ,Nice
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