totally agree! in season 3, most of the time the police are not the one find the answer and it's not logic that pro sir/mandy has to be the one find out who is the murderer! however, both pro sir and mandy are very good actor and actress. Eva too.
by the way i don't understand why they picked 徐子珊to play the role of Madam Ling. She doesn't look like a police to me. She is obviously cannot handle this role, as well as the previous one as a lawyer!
21#cissysun! i! b: g3 s8 l
我不認為Mandy系第三者,在EVA未離婚前,佢都冇一丁點的越軌行為,表示好意既行為都冇波。佢仲叫Pro sir唔好放棄枕邊人添... q, Y E% [* L& v