24歲的俄羅斯紋身師傅Timur 養了一只斯芬克斯貓,這種貓是出了名的沒有毛。看著貓咪粉嘟嘟的皮膚,Timur 突然有了一股衝動,於是他利用自己的技藝,在無毛貓的胸前紋了一串項鏈。
不過,一些動物保護協會已經注意到了Timur ,他可能接受到“虐待動物”的指控。Timur 為了表示自己對Coco 的愛,也將Coco 的畫像紋到了自己大腿上。
'I had my pet cattooed': Cruel Russian owner gives helpless Coco the cat body art matching his own
By Martin Robinson
Animal rights campaigners have reacted with fury after a vile pet owner decided to give his cat a tattoo matching his own.
In a disgusting stunt Timur Rimut, from Tatarsan, Russia, filmed himself permanently marking his hairless sphinx Coco with the phrase 'Carpe Diem', which is Latin for 'seize the day'.
The 24-year-old artist has the same tattoo on his chest and drew the design on the poor animal in pen before sedating her and branding the cat for life.

Cruel: Coco now has the same tattoo as its owner Timur Rimut

Close-up: The cruel artist also misspelled the Latin phrase Carpe Diem - writing Carpe Deem instead
But to add insult to injury, it appears he misspelled the famous phrase, scrawling 'Carpe Deem' on Coco's chest instead.
'We are shocked to see these images. As a charity that cares passionately about cats and seeks to inform the public about responsible pet ownership, we do not agree with people treating pets as fashion accessories in anyway,' a spokesman for UK charity Cats Protection said.
'Animals should be anaesthetised for veterinary reasons only, not cosmetic purposes. We hope that people will realise that it is unacceptable to treat animals in this manner.'
The video is so graphic MailOnline has decided not to publish it.
Rimut also has a tattoo of his cat, showing the new tattoo, on his own forearm.
The video has been posted on You Tube, and attracted a flurry of angry complaints.

Sedated: Coco was put to sleep and then tattooed, which was filmed at the same time

Too shocking: The footage shows Mr Rimut putting Coco under anaesthetic to the fury of animal welfare campaigners
'This is the ultimate in animal cruelty. I can't understand how an animal owner could do this to their pet. Totally sickening,' one woman said.
Another added: 'The cat doesn't give its consent to be tattooed. You rob it of its rights by forcing it asleep only so you can decorate it with what you want. Cats are not colouring books.'
But it seems that Coco is not the only Russian cat to be tattooed by its owner.
Oksana Popova of Moscow tattooed the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen on its chest.

Scarred: Timur Rimut gave the cat the necklace, but this is not the first time this has happened in Russia |