Screaming cat: "You've overstayed you'z welcome, Will! Now SCAT!"

Our ferocious friends are up to no good! We knew they were mischevious but are they really sipping cocktails and smoking cigarettes when we're not looking? Photographer Tim Barber thinks so. In Kitty City he shows us what our furry friends might be doing right behind our backs.
See these photos and more at the Animalania exhibit. Fuse Gallery from February 18 through March 14, 2009 in NYC.
"Do you think Eugene thinkz about me?" "Of course, look who's at the window!"

"Oh Master, you're home already?! I just had a few homies over..." - silently to E and Esteban, "Quick, hide!"

"My jedi mind tricks be workin! I can make Grace and Annie bow down!"
Cat in red: "What the..."
Cat in black in fur (huh?) on street: "I'm impervious! Your trickz don't work on me, sucka!"
