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[歐洲] 阿根廷要求歸還福島 英相:免談

福克蘭群島戰爭結束30周年,阿根廷總統費南德茲3日發表公開信,要求英國首相卡麥隆歸還福克蘭群島;英國外交部則表示,除非福島民眾要求,將不會與阿國協商相關主權問題。 費南德茲刊登在「衛報」和「獨立報」的這封廣告公開信,呼籲英國遵守1960年聯合國所通過籲請各會員國終止各種形式的殖民主義,並針對福克蘭群島的主權問題,與阿根廷展開談判。 阿根廷號角報評論說,去年12月英國政府試圖以英國女王名字命名部分「南極洲領地」,與阿根廷提出主權要求的區域重疊,費南德茲此舉被認為是對這一挑釁行為的回應。 英國外交部則回應,1833年福克蘭群島上並沒有任何居民,英國海軍當時驅逐的是三個月前抵達的阿根廷駐軍。卡麥隆的發言人也表示,目前福克蘭群島的3000居民「顯然希望繼續當英國人」,且將透過政治地位公投來表達態度;發言人並說,卡麥隆將「盡其所能以維護福克蘭群島居民的利益」。 福克蘭議會發言人證實,這項有關政治地位的問題公投將在3月10日和11日舉行。一般認為,島上居民多數支持英國,並認為福克蘭群島應屬於英國。 1982年爆發的福克蘭群島戰爭,造成659名阿根廷軍人死亡,英軍則有258人喪生。   e( d- p$ C+ W* t  q7 L" }: w2 e' q8 }

  f  I& _* h# Y5 k6 stvb now,tvbnow,bttvb【2013/01/04 世界日報】
+ o7 Z+ O( W1 n3 v# l1 n1 b5.39.217.76
+ v# E" v& p4 Z$ u5.39.217.76TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; ~& h! j9 x; R4 h



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tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 q( l1 U6 h  u7 M4 y' ^! L
: e% d* p% O6 P3 _' d; I5.39.217.76
2 y5 Y( v; d  O' x! J費南德茲日前在「衛報」(Guardian)和「獨立報」(Independent)刊登廣告公開信,呼籲英國遵守1960年聯合國所通過籲請各會員國終止各種形式殖民主義的決議案,並針對福克蘭群島的主權問題,與阿根廷展開談判。
7 ?  X' @" y5 o$ I5 B: Z
0 E! L. O4 G7 ]+ R$ O2 a( ~卡麥隆6日接受媒體訪問,對主持人詢問是否會為福克蘭群島開戰?卡麥隆肯定表示,「當然」。對於阿根廷要求談判一事,卡麥隆已明白表示,今年福克蘭群島將舉行公投,決定是否繼續留在英國,他希望費南德茲尊重島上居民對未來的決定。
, ~3 e* V" ^2 F) b& w
"今年福克蘭群島將舉行公投,決定是否繼續留在英國" 还爭什么呢?


  • aa00

"今年福克蘭群島將舉行公投,決定是否繼續留在英國" 还爭什么呢?
! X+ k7 S$ F* M$ B7 ~smcorange 發表於 2013-1-8 07:43 AM
2 J8 ]8 a& T/ ~8 I5.39.217.76
$ ^! p4 W& n8 O" G" L5.39.217.76
- B8 f4 W: Q& |* \tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb島上居民幾乎都是英國人! 你想公投結果不言可喻!
& G5 l  p; j6 z* M, n/ \  b公仔箱論壇
" X' b0 a3 b, N) v! y4 c公仔箱論壇至於不習一戰的說法!如今的英國還有錢開戰嗎?令人懷疑!
2 _+ g' i, g( C6 a& W5 P2 t0 w
/ K* F" e1 e- j$ R# x$ T6 K5 e5.39.217.76
  R* g( D' N8 a, L島上居民幾乎都是英國人! 你想公投結果不言可喻! . B$ o7 F* s  x

6 T6 X* q9 r& K" B/ c至於不習一戰的說法!如今的英國還有錢開戰嗎?令人懷疑!公仔箱論壇7 a2 i; B+ O, Z* P6 l7 r9 h. v
kmarstar 發表於 2013-1-8 05:49 PM
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb: M% k2 i9 p) P9 Y; Z9 x$ G

5 ^( A1 y3 R! j  f$ R" ~6 [( K+ u* Htvb now,tvbnow,bttvbPlease read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origins_of_Falkland_Islanders6 @/ O, E* s+ M: |
Evolution of Falkland Islander identity:公仔箱論壇' m. z/ q) Z. S; e; M
"The Falkland Islanders are British by citizenship, and by either origins or naturalization. They are one of the nations and mini-nations of the United Kingdom and the British overseas territories, including also the English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish, Channel Islanders, Gibraltarians, Saint Helenians, Bermudians, Caymanians etc. Along with their common British identity, each of these has its own distinct identity shaped in the respective particular circumstances of political, economic, social and cultural evolution history. According to Lewis Clifton, Speaker of the Falklands Legislative Council, the Falkland Islanders are no exception:"......
  |9 ~- \# }* p9 L1 |0 C% v
' e8 }4 g1 F2 W7 Y( H* t0 {( U5.39.217.76"Since the 1960s, the political dimension of Falklander identity has evolved around the campaign for recognition of the Islanders' right to self-determination. Key to this was the formation of the Falkland Island Committee in 1968, Britain's recognition of the right to self-determination after the Islanders turned down the so-called "leaseback proposal" put forward by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 1980, and the new Falklands Constitution enacted in 1985. The constitution vests political power in the elected Falklands Legislative Council rather than the old style colonial governors.".......
3 X) p, V, D. c5.39.217.76
1 c, D5 Q: d; H& NThe Falkland Islanders consider themselves a nation, the ethnogenesis of which is no different than that of other immigrant nations typical of the Americas, Australia or New Zealand; indeed no different than the case of neighbouring South American nations, as pointed out by Councillor Mike Summers:/ V+ {7 D+ B# N2 A9 v8 U
“We are as much a people as those in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Chile and many other South American countries whose inhabitants are of principally European or African descent.”TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。3 ?" P8 b1 Y, ^( |
再説島上居民[who can trace their heritage back through 9 generations in the Islands, who have subsequently been joined over the course of nearly 200 years by those who have chosen to make the Falkland Islands their home]公投,決定是否' 繼續 '留在英國. 自主權公投結果没有什么'不言可喻' 的!