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[自拍] Just say hi to you guys =]

公仔箱論壇- L+ D$ K* v" X# r& o8 K x, z7 n: [- X$ E7 z* Q" h
[ 本帖最後由 grace_75 於 2007-6-16 02:59 PM 編輯 ]
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:65:  no.1
7 a0 y# o5 \$ z+ C0 H9 ~( U2 k8 a/ F; S6 n. D) O7 Q# j
hai.. 靓女姊姊 ^^
" _; E/ I# J8 g. X張相有少少遐想空間.
/ H  X( C6 r6 U+ c' R, R( o5.39.217.76thx
c'mon ... don't call me like this
& {' E/ t6 ~: A  x; K5.39.217.76seems like i am so old -______-; }$ M  X2 }" d! t: w
i am thirteen years old only
hehe only 13 I thought u were older too...sorry......very nice pic btw & hi
:65: hihi.......nice pic
13 YRS OLD?? yea... act so young and sexy....  support... so pretty + more pics
lady, u llook like 21 years, as my sister's age.
9 A3 i/ @/ J$ ?$ O3 m) B! yTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。U R SUCH A lui lei anyway.公仔箱論壇/ r; L* W, L. ]! Q, Z, O/ P

回復第 2 帖由 ed_teck 所發的帖子

哈哈赞成!!!* |" J: K4 W  A

, a% L$ O0 P. ^2 s& A' ]5 j唔错啊~ 几性感~
i am quite shocked to know that everyone thought i looked mature
5 a% `1 l" N. G" k; D5.39.217.76no matter what , thanks for you guys' support
13歲??!! ....... hehe.......:ok
" i% B: c( _( G6 r* f6 BTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。唔錯..又後生又靚女 ^^ 公仔箱論壇; O  X4 y9 W( E; [' \# v
thanks for sharing your pic ^^
do you think you  can post more pics?
' \; ?# n+ J  E3 C5.39.217.76
) Z( U' t7 [# M! _5.39.217.76