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[出賣] my school in malaysia... Teacher Day my class

Come And See... And give Some comment
1 `: B6 D& q1 B' Q& E公仔箱論壇
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5 i, v0 R9 s" \公仔箱論壇
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U come from malaysia where..???
Reminds me of my primary school, thanks for sharing
nice pics.......thanks 4 sharing part of ur life to us  
i miss my school life ...
means u all now not in school aready??? ..cheer up...
i miss my school two:014:
dude this must be some kinda joke or ?
chong hua...... `2 s  S. o" _* H4 [* d% n" P
Form wat ah?3 w8 P- k& r: `: u  N/ F9 j% t
which one is u?

very good, h1 f2 ?: ^6 O' n* R
no bad
:onion05: :onion05: :onion05: