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[疑難求助] 请求各位帮忙

本帖最後由 sumbizai 於 2011-12-5 11:22 PM 編輯
4 o, f, ~* y0 F- S9 p. ]! e; ^1 e4 J4 w2 _5 D- S* L
我最近跟一个女子在一起。我是主动认识她的,刚开始认识她时,她已有了男朋友,可是不久后他男朋友就跟他分手,因为她男朋友有了另外一个女子。她就很伤心,我就开始安慰她,然后我们就开始暧昧。过后她就接受我了。可是有时候她会很想念她的前男友,还问我如果离开我,我会怎样·之类的问题。。。 : T/ l; C; n8 ^9 U6 I

9 l0 u9 M5 A1 @0 j7 N公仔箱論壇各位,请问我应该怎办?
你GA角色好似水泡,接受你不代表喜歡你,不彼此喜歡就唔係愛情,  ~5 }( _, p' O- D% h

, A7 k9 C6 ~. O  z# D& M' S) y5.39.217.76如果真係咁樣,愈早放手,就傷得愈輕......
9 `% q- ^; X3 S6 l! o5 W5.39.217.76有冇办法令她忘记前男友?
有! 等咯。
I suggest you try your best and show her that you are way better than the previous BF that she had, prove to her that you can bring her happiness and joy.  If you really love her, this should be a easy part for you, however DONT BE TOO AGGRESSIVE, take your time and show her who you really are.  Time will tell whether you are a worthy person for your GF+ `" B; r0 u' \2 z, O

+ v0 l! i: l4 O5 _3 c5.39.217.76Good luck Bro