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[亞洲] 福島原子爐升溫恐返臨界點

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, y2 t; H2 |$ z) Otvb now,tvbnow,bttvb日本福島第一核電站二號反應堆原子爐底部連日持續升溫,一直徘徊於攝氏七十度左右,令人憂慮反應堆會重回臨界點,政府表示將介入有關事件的調查。
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為降低原子爐底部溫度,東京電力公司自昨日凌晨,每小時向二號爐注水十三點五噸,較原來注水量增加兩倍,是自去年十二月首相野田佳彥發出「冷停堆」宣言以來,最高的注水量。核電站人員亦於昨日開始,每三小時向有關原子爐注入一噸硼酸水,以協助降溫。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 D+ l" _% q' v* N1 b8 Y, U1 }
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. u0 n( Z( F0 Y/ f" \/ c. t- sTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
It is very troubling about the unsettling nuclear trouble in Fukushima.  But it is fascinating about the last report of the organic web like substance found in South Carolina Nuclear plant.  Could we be looking at an unknown species of extremophile?  It is possible.  The Savannah River Site's storage facility stores spent the nuclear waste in pools that are about 20  - 30 feet deep.  The water is good enough to protect the workers from radiation, but the "Growth" was reportedly found underwater on the submerged fuel assemblies.   This is quite interesting.  This human invented power generation method might create something out of our imagination !


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