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[美洲] 防長稱或年內造核彈 美不排除向伊朗動武

( M9 r1 e: G* ?# f9 N. ]; ?( vtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb帕內塔在接受哥倫比亞廣播公司“60分鐘”節目採訪時說:“美國不希望伊朗發展出核武器,總統已經明確強調此項立場。”/ K$ v1 a& ]# w/ Q# F

4 a1 F% v4 M  Y4 {公仔箱論壇他說:“這對於我們來說是紅線,對以色列來說也是紅線,因此我們在這個問題上有共同的目標。”
, f+ g, ^# C7 ?' e4 u# @2 K8 l5.39.217.76
6 D! d, g: ?. H8 {TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。帕內塔指出,如果美國收到伊朗在發展核武器的情報,美國政府將“採取一切必要措施阻止”。( a: s2 O. l: g  o. a

5 z# b8 k0 }3 ?5 f8 w4 y5 F0 G當被問到這是否意味著美國將採取軍事行動,帕內塔說:“沒有什麼選項不可以考慮。”
I kind of disturbed by the way Iran is behaving lately.  The nuclear development seems inevitable and if the watchdog did find something, or the Central Intelligence agency did receive an evidence that Iran is in fact developing nuclear warhead.  I do believe that US will deploy their troops to Iran !  I do agree that it is just too risky to allow Iran to develop nuclear warhead because once the crazy one went wild, most of the land known to men will be destroyed and comes the judgement day !


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