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[亞洲] 商人刻薄長頸族 泰被批剝削弱勢文化

8 H, y( g4 a6 b" V; \# a) v- a! f, Z6 |公仔箱論壇長頸族是由喀倫族分支的巴東族組成,她們的長頸是重甸甸的銅環把肩膀骨骼壓下造成的假象,頸部肌肉受損。生命有着不能承受的重,她們一生更隻能在結婚、生子和死亡時脫下銅環,辛酸不足爲外人道。西方不少團體批評當地旅遊業剝削弱勢文化。 F6 p4 C  Y' {/ I

" p' |! L5 d  v  ?; h5.39.217.76

" c  T/ t& \0 D. B3 L& X0 N公仔箱論壇相關照片5.39.217.76$ G8 j/ @$ ^) e( V

6 d0 v& d- \$ _9 qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb■ 聚居在泰國北部和緬甸交界的長頸族,是被文明剝削的一群。
The Kayan race was originated from Burma.  According to record, there were 3 tribes of Kayan people and due to the political differences, they moved to Northern Thailand.  I did not hear anything about making them as an tourist attraction.  But according to my understanding, the long neck is only an illusion.  It is because the coil of brass has actually deformed the clavicale and make them look like a long neck !


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