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[歐洲] 最多人想去城市 法國巴黎居首

(巴黎19日綜合電)你知道世界上哪個城市最多人想去旅遊嗎?答案是“法國的巴黎”。公仔箱論壇& Q! K7 o* V# h" ], Y) v0 V3 T
根據世界公民文化協會所公布的第一屆世界公民島調查報告指出,在全球10大最想去的城市當中,旅行者最想去的是法國巴黎,其次是英國倫敦,第3是美國紐約。* f! Y3 M/ H: [, v
3 v+ z, @# P2 h2 [& U0 G5.39.217.76而周日也選出20名青年旅行者,台灣大學獸醫系五年級學生鄧紫雲表示,要到英國動物收容中心當志工,了解英國如何對待動物,而且還會到北歐參加動物相關年會,以進一步了解各國在動物權利及福利議題上的看法。
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5 i( b, T: C5 Q$ j& u+ I公仔箱論壇■ 法國巴黎。
I do agree on this research.  Because the students are still falling into the "Romantic" city of the world.  It is the largest capital city in France region and 12 million people reside in this city.  It is also considered to be the sixth largest city economy in the world.  Paris has been around for over thousand of years and therefore it is the mixture of traditional and modernizations.  Enjoy the trip to Paris and I am sure you will find it very intriguing !


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