讲到下载非streamyx莫属了........其它的都有限定下载多少哦......$ b- K j }1 a' P; r
我用streamyx.....RM.66.00.最多下载的一个月是25GB...... f3 W1 }7 N4 m0 \9 c/ |4 p2 h
I am using P1 Wiggy. For the 1st 7 days (within trial period), using XunLei download speed can upto 700kbs. However, after the trial period, it maintain in 50kbs - 200kbs. Last month total download is 30+GB& q" c, c+ m0 R8 H& @ o" X
My friend now using the P1 RM99 package he say the 20GB download limit just got effect on the old torrent,new torrent wont got any problem on download speed.But when it is raining he can't online....