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mad~ "big 6" feel.....
原帖由 419770308 於 2006-10-28 06:21 PM 發表。 公仔箱論壇" T. `& E- ~0 c. q  F  V# j6 X
( F8 J% y5 X( y' {- G& t) A! o
hey dude,+ C$ |, I4 O8 x6 g1 a/ l6 X
Don't Dye your hair that much, it will cause you cancer!!! WOWO.- ]" \. h4 p& H% }+ d
by the way, your hair style is hot.
; o2 W6 S6 z) r( z, T# \. }6 O& n公仔箱論壇I don't think its MAD 6 feel man,  cuz i havent never seen anyone have such hair style over chinatown.
+ s6 w8 P+ q( k5 itvb now,tvbnow,bttvbYOU ROCK mad 6 feel man plus you are cool dawg. z1 ]+ T# K( E
peace out =) 爸打