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[出賣] What do you think?!!?!?

 ,  描述: Good or BAD
Alright boyz/girls....公仔箱論壇& Y. f, a$ q, q- V' r2 C0 t. t
Me and my friends  have figure to post this picture up to solve should My Friend go with this girl that he met last week in da club.....* k7 @, y2 f8 s- L( z* X! Y
What do you guys think about the guy mainly..lol the girl just :S whatever lololol
7 M* j! Z6 w7 U. ]# I/ w1 z公仔箱論壇
5 n5 v9 O7 J/ w5.39.217.76personally I think he can do betta..
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$ s4 h4 N) `: f5 {' w, u/ d5.39.217.76
# e) k% d2 P1 ]! ?# ]. S公仔箱論壇
囘 头 看 伱 , 为 甚 么 囿 怀 疑 , 为 甚 么 囿 倣 弃 ?
em nice pic,
er? the boy is ok but the girl . i have no idea..
Alright,thx boyz/girlss
9 a: F+ N! S2 O' \( r0 g公仔箱論壇I think I should tell him to get a new one instead lololol
go with the gal not bcoz got "feel" on her de meh?
还可以,身材还行5.39.217.76+ x4 X& [: j- S/ F
em.. boy looks ok la,but the girl looks like didnt make up wo..
  dunno how to say ! thanks !
thx 4 sharing

回應 miaomiao88 第 6 篇文章

Hahaha no,we're just doing this as s joke!!tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 W2 L$ {0 P- f
he hv way too many...
both look bad