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[足球] [原創 UEFA Champions League Highlights (BT), 28-Sep-2016

 ,  描述: 720P
【  片名  】:UEFA Champions League Highlights (BT), 28-Sep-2016 upload by lacadud@tvboxnow.com
! v* q% p8 w/ W/ _5.39.217.76【檔案分類】:歐聯精華
; T  H" h, ?0 c: Btvb now,tvbnow,bttvb【文件類型】:MP4
' F5 Z. V* K9 a7 W" N' b- H【文件大小】:1.09GB" c; R, S( q2 |4 Y$ C( X
【  語言  】:BT Sports英語
- D( c9 h" y3 q% {( [tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb【做種日期】:原創, r: _+ H9 t  s# D; v. w

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Thanks so much!
thx so much for bt torrent download
great work
Thanks for sharing.I don't have cable tv and this is very good for me !!!!
thanks mate
Thanks for the soccer highlights
thank you very much.
Thank you for sharing.
Many thanks~~~