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ummmmm...........better lose the glasses
I think I get what you mean.
YO, DUDES,公仔箱論壇, ^9 b2 c3 s  R! x+ I; T5 F: o/ t: W
READ THE DAMN TITLE CAREFULLY "poor my frd5.39.217.76& q4 s- \  e+ g  l5 y: }0 {, B
it is a ironic. it doesnt mean to say shiet to her, he wanted you guys to :support" her. why? cuz he looks half half. HOW? male or female not quite sure =^_^= =^_^= MOEW Moew.
: v9 k, [7 ]* D4 N( Z$ |% u3 j7 {what yoo tryin to say or are u guys tryin to be mean to my ANGEL.; k3 R" \8 o5 G" ?- }6 b7 b- R4 h
" a. U+ K9 N& d% |+ eTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。READ THE NICEST AND PRTTIEST GIRL NO MATTER IN RAEL LIFE OR TVBNOW , which is the cutie "CREAMY" "CREAMY" ^__^
! m- O) w8 i) s) I" o: p# ?% Y* hshe is NOT just CUTE,PRETTY AND GENEROUS. she also has SUCH HUMOR OF HUMAN BEINGs.
1 f1 R; Q# {( p7 X' }* F' D, V( [! J4 j2 R公仔箱論壇yoo DOPES should learn sth from my GODDESS,  "CREAMY" =))
7 j1 p$ V* I* mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbpeace MEANIES