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[甜品] 梨子菠菜汁

5 E! q; L1 ^" `! K公仔箱論壇菠菜60克 (切段),梨子11/2個(去皮,去核,切塊),蜜糖30克,開水90毫升

3 |0 _# t. e4 ~4 s+ O3 x1 l# Ltvb now,tvbnow,bttvbtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) l; V; q5 o9 s* D+ s- N
做法:公仔箱論壇& Y* {6 Z! H0 K+ A- Q
1. 把菠菜和梨子塊同放入果汁機中,加入開水打勻成汁,濾除蔬果渣,倒入杯中,加入蜜糖調味,即可飲用。

+ B) P( y/ {' Q$ v5 X' |  a1 x# l% {
) Y; G: h9 Z1 d1 P' P7 L! c& z1 M, GINGREDIENTS
- }- E( y% D" itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb60g spinach (cut into segments),11/2 pears (peeled, deseeded, cut into small pieces), 30g honey, 90ml water
& G8 X1 F2 L# Q3 C4 G: c* F/ z
3 x' ?9 Q; W& I
) {$ F+ }8 K% P3 B& l. O2 _0 ] Place the spinach and pear into a blender. Add water5.39.217.762 r' c, H/ N1 `
to blend until smooth.7 N0 z5 W, y3 Z/ T8 y
Strain the juice to remove the vegetable and fruit
( w; y9 v5 P( y* U+ C) E. Y8 Nresidue. Pour the juice into a glass. Add honey to addtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, E2 U. @5 _- z' @8 J4 `3 `. D- G
flavour, and serve.

* H2 u6 i5 ?- U
3 d( i3 [$ Z( k- L



    梨子菠菜汁(Pear & Spinach Juice)

    " L! V- |* W" u- F                                                                                                                                           